General care warnings
Care of clothes / goods
It is our direct responsibility to protect such natural resources as water and electricity, to use these resources minimally for the care of clothes. Detergents, fabric softeners and chemicals used to care for clothing and goods can not only damage clothing, but also contaminate and reduce our natural resources !!!
You can make your best contribution to the environment by simply reading the labels with washing recommendations and following the recommendations for washing clothes purchased in our stores or online, according to the recommendations on the label.
Care for clothes, shoes or other goods usually depends on the material from which they are made, but may also vary depending on the design or functionality of the product. That's why don't forget to check the labels before washing.
Care of clothes / goods, the first step: washing
The mode of washing clothes / goods must be chosen correctly.
Washing too often or incorrectly harms both the product and the environment.
Before washing, you need to sort the clothes by material and color. Classification
depending on the delicacy of the material:
Clothes / goods to be washed by hand,
Clothes / goods that can be machine washed in hand / delicate wash mode and
Clothes / goods are washable in standard mode.
It should also be remembered that wool and silk products, as well as handmade clothes with embroidery or decorative prints should be washed separately from cotton products.
Depending on the color of clothes / goods:
Bright and
It's dark
It should be remembered that products that differ in color and texture, can change color, fade or deform when washed together!
When washing, use washing powder sparingly. Contrary to popular belief, an excess of washing powder makes our products not cleaner, but wears them out.
Choosing the right washing powder is the most important thing in washing. We recommend using different powders for washing white and colored clothes, because due to the bleach used in powders for white clothes, colored clothes will quickly fade and lose color.
For washing colored products, we recommend using a special washing powder "for colored clothes".
It is very important to properly dose concentrated detergents, because their excessive use leads to color loss and rapid wear of things.
It should be remembered that things have a certain service life and, accordingly, the frequency of washing. Do not wash things unless they are very dirty. In this case, washing can be replaced by hanging clothes outdoors or brushing.
Do not overload the washing machine, as things do not wash well due to overcrowding. But you should also not include a typewriter with a very small number of things. This is uneconomical and a wasteful use of water resources.
The washing temperature should be set according to the label on the product. Despite the established opinion, at low temperatures things also wash well enough.
Due to washing at too high temperatures, things can sit down or stretch and generally wear out quickly.
The washing time should be chosen according to the recommended optimal mode for your machine. Washing time is just as important as the choice of powder and temperature.
Wash items / items by turning them inside out.
Rinse clothes / goods well. Due to the remnants of powder or conditioner on clothes may form faded stains.
Immediately after washing, the items must be removed from the machine and dried by the method recommended by the label.
If you leave in the typewriter for a long time colorful things, they can fade.
Washing water should not be too hard. Due to the high hardness of water, things can be poorly washed and lose color. The recommended hardness does not exceed 3 German degrees (3dH).
Do not use bleach to wash colored items. Our company LC Waikiki does not recommend the use of bleach for washing white clothes, because they contribute to the rapid wear of things and are harmful to the environment,
If hand washing is recommended on the label, use cool or warm water.
Before washing by hand, dissolve the washing powder well in water, and after washing - rinse things / goods thoroughly. Faded stains may form on the clothes due to detergent residues.
Before washing your clothes / goods, fasten Velcro, buttons and snakes, if any.
Before washing, remove the detachable items from the clothes, if any.
If items of the same color are unbuttoned from your clothes / goods, try to wash them together with the main clothes. Subsequently, when washing the color is washed away in any case, if you wash them separately, the color may differ significantly over time.
If the detachable items differ in color from your clothes / goods, but are the same color, try to wash these items together as well.
Try not to wash fluffy things with things that can attract that fluff.
Step two: drying
Dry your clothes as indicated on the label.
Do not dry your clothes / goods in the open sun. Clothes fade in direct sunlight.
Do not dry your clothes / goods directly on batteries or heaters, the products may lose their shape.
Knitted woolen products, or products containing wool, dry, spread out on a flat surface and spread them by hand. When hanging, such things can lose their shape.
Step three: ironing
Before ironing, study the product labels and recommended ironing modes, start ironing with those that require the lowest temperature.
For more efficient ironing, try ironing clothes while they are still slightly damp. Thanks to ironing in a wet condition the iron will not damage clothes and will not create a flattering effect.
Iron clothes upside down.
Lightly iron places with embroidery, prints or decorative handmade elements from the inside out.
On products with a snake, try not to iron the snake.
Do not iron plastic labels on clothing.
Dry cleaner's:
LC Waikiki tries to make washable products whenever possible, as the chemicals used for dry cleaning pollute the environment.
Therefore, we recommend using dry cleaning only for those things that cannot be washed through the shoulder, adhesive tape, cobweb or in the presence of delicate decorative elements.
Only dry-clean products with the label "Dry Cleaning".